Sunday 31 October 2021



The least romantic day of the year has passed on

Today no guilty flowers, dutiful cards, unwanted chocolates

Spontaneity will be back on the menu

Expressions of love that sing solo


That shabby prince steps back into the cog of days

Shamelessly counting his takings,

ignoring the cynicism and unwanted attention,


Yes, spontaneity is back on the streets

Scratching, purring, roaring

Bumbling, stumbling, gushing

Declaring, swearing, promising

Risking it all again


Wednesday 27 October 2021



so sharp not felt
painless entry fools me again
medication forced
a ball-bearing brooding under skin
so slowly seeping into me
vein valve stretched
a pool accumulates
pulling veins and valves further
blood slowed to thick
pressure building ‘til
pain, like reminders after years of drunk
hijacks, cripples
the thought of it receding
just enough to bear
watch the tip enter silently again
efficiently sharp
navel clockface, hours marked
before pills and tests and decisions

Saturday 16 October 2021

New Name


If I wanted to give myself a new name

a name with no prior connotations

No acquaintances, nor celebrities, nor notable namesakes

whether awful or saintly, couldn’t be considered,

If I wanted to give myself a new name I would,

but every name is known, somewhere.


I chose instead to make up a new name,

untainted by association,

but even those attempts had connotations

of origin, of gender, of decisions of pronunciation.


I tried long combinations of syllables,

and single syllables,

but every sound has been made before.

I tried reducing to just the letters of the alphabet,

but Gee sounded American, Elle was French, 

Aye was Scottish, and being called Why would need explaining.


So I’m back where I started,

with the name my parents gave me,

before they knew who I was,

only an idea, an association, of who they hoped I would be.


Seems it’s up to me

to change the connotations of my moniker,

overcome the compromises committed by other namesakes,

and give this name

something to live up to.


Ten things found in a Time Traveller’s Backpack

 Inspired by Ten Things Found in a shipwrecked sailor’s Pocket by Ian MacMillan.


  1.  One Polaroid of Henry VIII being kissed passionately, the lady is not wearing a crown

  2.  Football scores torn from a newspaper dated 6th May 1981

  3.  A wanted poster of himself in a cowboy hat

  4.  A life insurance policy renewal reminder letter

  5.  A dvd box marked Top Secret containing a disc of Back To The Future

  6.  A Post-It that says ‘Remember to drop off at publishers ! ! ‘ – stuck to

  7.  A small note book, handwritten in code, except ‘JFK, the truth, OMG’

  8.  An ornate key wrapped in a red ribbon, a hint of perfume

  9.  A black box, one red light blinking, labelled Property of Intergalactic Space Force

  10.  A receipt from the Titanic Lounge Bar – whisky no ice