Wednesday, 19 May 2021

The Moment of Recognition

A new poem about recognition. It came from several sources, the memory of a conversation long ago when I inarticulately described how music worked for me, crossed paths with a writing exercise about what makes life worth living, and there it was, popped out more or less fully formed in 5 minutes .  .  .  if only it was always that easy.



The moment of recognition


The first few notes and you know where they lead

a description that someone else wrote that chimes inside,

a moment of emotion in song that holds you,

a sense of unsaid understanding found in a poem

a movement in a piece of music that aligns somewhere and carries you along

the untangling of thoughts into patterns and shapes,

untangled unconsciously by these forms of art

the truth of science

the mystery of faith

the comfort of love


when the work of someone who’s never known you,

lets you feel like they do,

and you want them to talk some more, about you


a face in the crowd, who sees you too.




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