Saturday, 29 January 2022






This is how it is

No matter how I wish


Resist the closing circle

And break your heart to care

Tears congregate

Stinging for the lost

Already hollowed out


Life’s poetry stifled

While nothing matters

Indulgence sickens

Distractions ignored

Trapped in fear


The air will be a vacuum

And my lungs will burn


Meet me brother at the corner

Don’t let them see your face

Greet me with your voice

Standing back to back

And tell me how it is


A circle of self

values simplified

responds to any kind face


the future stripped

the present undoes

stay still

only reach slowly


waves crash outside

invading my head

ripples splintered


a lifetime of

meaningless milestones

pointless collecting, curating

significance reversed

masks dissolve

nothing to hide


blasting high, delays

only reality


art is us

self expression

the final refuge

the freedom illusion betrayed

nucleus recentres quickly

promised recoveries poisoned

by false nostalgia


come sit with me

in Eden’s ruins

I cannot repay

With what you need


Thoughts slip unfinished

Lost or locked to themselves,

Inseparable and incomplete


Tomorrow will come

for some