Tuesday 3 May 2022

Strange What You Remember


Strange what you remember



I don’t remember the food at all

but I do remember the meal

I do remember the light in your eyes

and your hair shadowed, framing your face


I remember opportunities for being funny

being polite, and knowledgeable and interested

and not being shy of any.

I do remember what you said, I can replay it all


I’m trying not to read too much, just enjoying the memory

not convicting myself of mistakes, or accusing myself of misinterpretation


I remember the journey home

reliving every highlight

regretting only that it hadn’t lasted longer


Hoping above all that the best version of me

had won you over,

even if you didn’t yet know


I do remember the food, just not the taste

only the consumption and the wine

and the light in your eyes, I might have mentioned


I remember acting like a grown-up, really

with confidence, generous, drawing you out

and finding a new me, restored

one that I liked, one I liked being

one that I think you found in me

one that might last

until we meet again


I remember that there were other people there

but not exactly why

I don’t remember anything I said

except everything I said to you


I remember clearly saying goodbye

prior arrangements followed through

I remember you turned to wave us off

hoping that was a message for me

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