Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Holocaust Poem - The Survivors' Verse


My writing group read and performed at a Holocaust Memorial Event on January 26th. This is the fourth section of the piece I wrote for the event (there wasn't time for the whole thing) although written for the Event it might apply to any culture under pressure
- The Survivors' Verse :
Survivors cannot forget, cannot want to forget, to betray those left behind
This is how we remember, by doing those things we have always done
And always will, with or without you, because they tried so hard to finish you
It's who you were, who you are
So come break bread, light a candle
Tie fast to the faithful line of history
At this our point in time
Drink deep and remember who you are
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven
There is a time for reaching out and a time for drawing in
A time for trying new things and a time for treasuring what has lasted
There is a time for closing the doors on the storm and a time for opening the windows to the sun
A time for forgiveness, a time for healing and a time for remembering
Each of us only has so much time.

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