Thursday, 2 July 2020


part 3 of the writing in pairs challenge, 
the topic was Wine, following 1) Shoes and 2) Blood.


wasps soothing buzz
licking the dregs of empty glasses
tiptoeing across the table
stumbling over crumbs
the summer sun hanging high
heat smells of dry hay
as sleepy children with sticky lips lost to their shaded dreaming
hazy afterglow
drinking in the peace

Blood is Red

Red blood
Dark skin

Light skin
Blue shirt

  beaten Black and Blue
Red dries Black

  took a knee in Red and Gold
to Outcry

Blue shirt
knee to neck
  to Ash
finally, Outcry 

children open your eyes
the grown-ups cannot explain
how accidents of birth
determine your worth

history has polarised
the beauty in our spectrum
and weak men do drive a wedge
of hatred born in fear

Blood is Red
tears are Clear 
in all God's children
a spectrum, a graduation
not Black and White,
nor Redskinned, nor Yellow
one race, one adam
revealed in many cultures, many traditions

but history is angry with injustice
awake to the heritage of privilege 
all slaves to legacy 
built on sin 
that chokes futures

Blood is Red
and washes pure
save us from our sins


The difference between men and women - Shoes

A light hearted poem about shoes (and stereotypes that might be true)

The difference between men and women - Shoes

Men have
A smart pair, and casual pair
a work pair, and a pair for the garden
Plus wellington boots, and hiking boots
and football boots, and tennis trainers,
and going down the pub trainers, and trainers for going for a run,
A pair for every function.
Equipment and uniform.

Women have
A black pair, a brown pair, a cream pair, a red pair,
A high-heeled pair, a low-heeled pair, and flats,
Crocodile, suede and leather,
Everyday, fancy - for weddings,
and for popping to the shops,
Knee-high, shin high, toeless,
Gappy, strappy, flip-floppy, trotty,
For teetering and tottering,
Slip-slapping and smacking,
A pair for every outfit, climate and mood,
And every combination.

It’s always justified,
No-one denies