Tuesday, 21 November 2023

House of Allusions


Woken in the night

by drip drip drip

snare drum beats

like regrets and broken promises

and ever since, silence

we’ll fix the hole

before the rains return

but the memories remain


Damp patch by the front door

creeping slowly

a lengthening shadow

beyond the chalk outlines

which never became high and dry

during the hot summer

next door has them too

but theirs is brown and patchy

a different metaphor


Black spots like minor sins

appear in corners and conscience

it takes something industrial to remove them

I’m not sure I’m up to it


The windows are misted up

inside the double glazing

where no one can wipe

obscuring the view

like fading eyesight

like fading recall


The sink cupboard has shifted

gaping from the wall

I think my floor is sinking

pulling everything apart


Outside this house

the sun shines still

after the rain

and the garden appears

full of life

drawn up from underground

where buried are plans and desires

becoming real and vibrant and possible

a surprise of colour and texture

and miniature worlds like poetry



Sometimes I don’t know where the house ends and the metaphors begin

I can’t tell anymore

We need a lot of work done


The Shed of Dreams


If I sit on the floor, and look up at the window,
A square of blue sky waiting for my release
Imagine a stone cold floor beneath me,
And the ratty debris is of my only companion
And the rain lashes the window like a ship tossed at sea
Expecting the crack and flashes of thunder and lightening
I could steer us from an upturned bicycle
From a skateboard sliding as the waves roll and wallow
In the dark looking out at the constellations burning
Waiting for my orbit to roll earth into view
Hot tea breath steaming up the window
The door is open, and the enchanted path leads to the giant tree
Through forget-me-nots and unkempt grass
Beyond the Himalayan honeysuckle,
And the flowering currant bush where the wasps make paper lampshades
The door framing wild flowers and foliage
Cropping out fences and markers of suburbia, extending the view forever
Yes a shed of dreams,
not just a place for lawnmowers and rusting garden furniture.

Tuesday, 21 March 2023



Every night we hibernate, cosy in our den, the covers lies in folds and ridges, a snow drift stretched between us, domestic topography,
Frost scratching its way across the windows, winter sun barely disturbing our slumber,
And every morning we half-wake, uneven and confused, losing fragments of dreams fading, wondering why it isn’t spring, and shuffle through the day, evading the wide-eyed embrace offered, shy of text and tones and intrusive lights,
While some are energised, to make change and plans, we let each day remain unchanged, untouched, unruffled, with no more energy than subsistence, not breaking the rhythm of slow slow sleepy slothful observance of the conditions that keep us still, 
Awaiting the turning point, the slow tilt towards, the sun in our face, until then peace, content to let the days pass, forgetting each one as if we had slept through them all, something we read immersed in a novel,
The outside world an unforgiving place, reminders everywhere, wind whistling regrets and broken promises, threats and insults,
And later much later after the distant winter sun fades out and the moon appears against the black, and the lights are inside the walls,
We prepare ourselves again, to bed down again to sleep through, cosy enough hopeful, and cancelling the lights, to sleep through, to another season. 
Smothered the snow drift rearranged, long slow breaths disappearing into the night, the steady train to neverland.
Dreaming to die under cover, and wake renewed with the equinox.

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Holocaust Poem - The Survivors' Verse


My writing group read and performed at a Holocaust Memorial Event on January 26th. This is the fourth section of the piece I wrote for the event (there wasn't time for the whole thing) although written for the Event it might apply to any culture under pressure
- The Survivors' Verse :
Survivors cannot forget, cannot want to forget, to betray those left behind
This is how we remember, by doing those things we have always done
And always will, with or without you, because they tried so hard to finish you
It's who you were, who you are
So come break bread, light a candle
Tie fast to the faithful line of history
At this our point in time
Drink deep and remember who you are
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven
There is a time for reaching out and a time for drawing in
A time for trying new things and a time for treasuring what has lasted
There is a time for closing the doors on the storm and a time for opening the windows to the sun
A time for forgiveness, a time for healing and a time for remembering
Each of us only has so much time.


A poem in tribute to the camaraderie of team sports, and a friend forced to retire. 

Our ghosts play on
While we wash and change
And weary back to work
The empty hall echoes in our absence
As he flicks the ball up so he can turn and volley
As another runs hard, chops back and shoots
As he slides past obstacles and hammers one goalward
While urgent messages bounce off the walls, coded,
A pass goes astray, is not forthcoming, too early too late,
Or follows a perfect trajectory, picks out, pinpoint
As he fills the space obscuring the target, no sense no feeling - no goal
All the shirts don’t match, training tops, replicas, vintage
and the teams reshuffle each week
A player slaloms smoothly, the ball always in possession, rolling.
Another stands over the ball, teases, twitches, waiting for the moment
One runs onto the ball, ignores shouts to shoot and plays in another,
Another holds the ball ignoring pleas to pass,
keeps the ball out of reach until, left foot, bam !
Another lets off a volley, of how unhappy he is with his team
These boys are chameleons, serious then smiles, real wild cards
Others came and went,
retired, moved on, but you,
You were taken from us,
And every reminder puts you back in the hall
in triumph or dismay, treating each with good humour
A cry for a foul, handball, disputed goal, disputed score,
a pass, an apology, proper marking,
all echo around while we wait for the next match.
Your ghost is in there too, finding space, trapping neatly,
holding up and driving one through.
The ghosts play on, organised or shambolic,
winning by teamwork, or individual skills and passion,
lucky bounce, unlucky deflection, patient decision or rash folly,
zig zag passes finished crisply,
unstoppable, blocked, intercepted, breakaway,
no one’s tracking back !
Appreciation grown over time,
of who and what we are,
respect friendship analysis
Blood sweat and tears, mostly sweat
Our ghosts they play on,
long after the inquest for this week’s game has ended,
waiting for our return.

Take A Moment (Carol Service Christmas 2021)



Just take a moment to breathe

As Jesus took his first breathe

And take another

as he gave up his last

the whole of God’s love, holiness and mercy

lived out between those two breaths


Take a moment to see

See how he came

The humblest of origins

No privilege for this Prince, of Peace,

The Word of God made flesh


Relinquishing the glory of heaven

And the intimacy of the Father

Dependent on the Holy Spirit

Born to a disgraced young woman

And her humbled husband

Lain in a feeding trough

To be honoured by night workers


Take a moment to wonder

Where were the other relatives of Joseph

Called to the census in Bethlehem

Could they not find room in their lodgings,

in their hearts for Mary,

No bed, no dignity, no compassion

Take a moment to see

who today has no bed, no dignity

Is afforded no compassion ?

Don’t let Christmas obscure the truth


And wise and educated men came

But not from the palace or the priesthood

But foreigners from the East

with their symbolic gifts

Led by a star,

followed with faith and understanding

Let us be led

by signs and wonders too, followed by faith


And take a moment to see

the family’s flight to Egypt

Refugees with a child, stateless and status-less

Running from persecution

To the land of the Pharaohs

who had enslaved their ancestors

As we were once enslaved, by sin,

by greed, by pride


See patient Mary, waiting,

Thirty years of knowing who he was

Pondering how this could be

Let us ponder how this could be

Knowing we all should die, all except he

that’s how he saves us, undeserved

the only one who needn’t die


Take a moment to see

the violence that followed his birth

for threatening power and prestige

would return and put him to death

for threatening power and prestige

such are human hearts

blind to his selfless love

to his healing and miracles and acceptance

man’s contempt for the life that has been granted

and He who gives us life


And the life of the Jesus,

between those two breaths

was a gift of love, that brings us life

The star shining in the darkness

Proclaiming everlasting life


Just take a moment to consider

so many people in the world this Christmas

They all need what you have

– hope in Jesus